Here’s to the industry disruptors – the future comes to Cambridge

Here’s to the industry disruptors – the future comes to Cambridge

Here’s to the industry disruptors – the future comes to Cambridge

Thanks to its world-famous university, affordable office space and proximity to London, Cambridge has long been a popular location for innovative UK companies.

Businesses are drawn to the area by the promise of access to the bright minds of Cambridge University as well as by the city’s reputation as one of the country’s top tech hubs.


Cambridge’s reputation for innovation shows no sign of waning. In recent years, some of the country’s most forward-thinking companies have moved to the area, transforming the city’s business landscape in the process.

To celebrate these exciting start-ups and innovators, we’re taking a closer look at the city’s industry disruptors and the impact they’re having on Cambridge and the surrounding area.


What are industry disruptors?

As @BLeaderNews says, “To be a disrupter is to create a product, service, or way of doing things which displaces the existing market leaders and eventually replaces them at the helm of the sector.”

Often led by entrepreneurs and innovators, these exciting businesses are changing the way we live and are moulding the future of their industries.



As any telly addict will know, Netflix has transformed the way we get our entertainment. Not only does the streaming service allow us to watch movies and TV shows from around the world, the company also makes its own exceptional content. 

In fact, one of its movies, Roma, was nominated for the Best Picture Oscar in 2018. As most properties in Cambridge benefit from fast internet connections, Netflix is available across the city, giving residents access to limitless entertainment at the touch of a button.



Although most parts of central Cambridge are easily accessible by bike or on foot, sometimes it’s just easier or more convenient to take a cab. Rideshare service Uber added Cambridge to its service in 2016. This makes it easier than ever for residents and visitors to get to the bars, restaurants and attractions that dot the city.



Accommodation provider CheckedInn is one of the latest industry disruptors to arrive in Cambridge. Offering convenient, high-quality accommodation in the heart of the city, the company takes the hassle out of finding and renting property in and around the Cambridge area

Instead of lengthy property searches, difficult landlords, and questionable properties, CheckedInn offers residents in Cambridge the chance to live in well-maintained, well-located, and stylish accommodation.

If you’d like to know more about the innovative services available in Cambridge, or if you’re moving to the area and are looking for high-quality accommodation, we can help. Explore our site or get in touch with a member of our friendly team today.